Pray and eat at the Communio

Mechernich community reforms its prayer life: Opening for the participation of outsiders, "temporary monastery" and spiritually accompanied retreats - announcement by Father Rudolf Ammann at the impulse evening on the "upheaval in the Church

Mechernich – Is the Communio in Christo the "rock in the surf" of an increasingly turbulent and uncertain world? Is the Ordo, founded in 1984 by Mother Marie Therese from the Netherlands in Mechernich, the credible continuation of a Church that is increasingly disintegrating?

Can each individual find ways out of his or her own dilemma in the founding offer of the Ordo Communionis in Christo, and ways of life that are viable, as Sister Theresa assumed in her contribution?

The answer to all these questions is simply "yes", to use the words of Father Rudolf Ammann ISch, the spiritual director of the Communio in Mechernich and Blankenheim. At the most recent impulse evening in the house chapel on Bruchgasse, he dealt with the current fear and uncertainty in the face of war in the world and the decline of the Church.

"Believe and abide!"

For the speaker, Christianity's answer to all uncertainty and fear is faith and firm trust in God's faithfulness and love. Ammann: "One could say with the prophet Isaiah "If you do not believe, you will not remain" or vice versa: "If you believe, you will remain!""

Ammann cited the death of a confrere's biological sister in recent days as a beautiful image of genuine trust in God and great confidence in life. She had glided so "unbelievably peacefully" to the other side of life that her brother, Fr Ammann's priestly brother, assured the community in Mechernich: "Now we have a new advocate in heaven."

With faith and trust in God, it is easy to live and easy to die, said Father Ammann in his impulse. Last but not least, the Spiritual Director of the Communio announced changes in prayer and community practice in the Ordo Communionis in Christo. For example, the community in the Mechernich Motherhouse wants to open itself up once a week to the participation of external believers in the prayer times.

In addition, the Ordo wants to make an offer throughout Germany to book "temporary monasteries" and participate in community life for one, two, three or five days and also to eat and sleep at the Communio.

Finally, Father Ammann and his spiritual companions in the Ordo Communionis in Christo want to offer spiritual retreats in the Mechernich Motherhouse once or twice a year. More details will be presented at a meeting of the friends and supporters of Communio in Christo on Sunday, 7 August.

pp/Agentur ProfiPress